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This page is regularly updated with new content of FREE PDF downloads on topics of Faith and Home as well as links to purchasing e-books and bundle materials on this subject matter. Be sure to check back frequently for the latest!!

Bible Studies

We love our "Love" Bible studies because the nature of Biblical love is so easily misunderstood or taken for granted. Usually written for February review, these studies are good any time of year, for any occasion...

"Abiding Love" explores 1 John in this 20 lesson study considering the over-arching message of how to abide with God and live a life where He is abiding with you. Study comes complete with a split-page copy of the 1 John Text for notations, as well as worksheets for each day.

"Love Is..." takes a whole-of-Scripture approach to studying 1 Corinthians 13. Guided study pages cover a full month of daily lessons which consider these timeless passages in light of how Love is really defined and connected to other areas of Scripture.

Various other studies...

"30 Days to the Cross" is an overview of the life of Jesus through the book of Matthew. Day 1 is an introduction to the context in which Matthew was written. Days 2-29 follow a chapter-a-day reading with basic prompts to ask the text questions and take notes. The study ends with Day 30 as a reflection day to explore all that has been learned.

"A Light To My Path" uses Psalm 119 in a month-long, stanza-by-stanza study of the Bible's longest Psalm. Originally written for October as a counter-to the "darkness" of Halloween, the colorful autumn theme graphics should not dissuade - the Word as a Light to our path is still applicable and educational no matter what time of year you dive in.

Holiday and Seasonal studies...

"Choosing Gratitude" is a 20 day study designed for the Thanksgiving season with an eye on the real Source of gratefulness and how choosing an attitude of gratitude isn't just for the good times (or just for November) but is for all the times, no matter the month of the year. The Faith and Home Blog has corelating articles and devos (posted November 2023) to make this study a family affair!

"The Joy of the Christmas Message" spends the 25 day advent season considering Jesus' pre-eminence, anticipation, and, ultimately, His birth with challenges to NOT take this annually repeated story for granted. The reading chart and study template prompt readers to see the story of Christ's arrival with new eyes for the timeless truths His birth brought.

Chronological Bible Read-Thru Series

A FREE printable monthly Bible read-through plan for serious students of Scripture. In this year-long series we will read-through the Bible in Chronological order on a 6-day-week schedule. Designed for success, this series will have you proudly completing your Bible by the end of the year! While this plan is intended for a simple 10 (+/-) minutes a day read-through NOT to replace a regular deep-dig Bible Study, each month's intro material covers how it *can* also be utilized as the basis for a deep-dig! (Current pages are set to a 2024 format.)

January - The first installment of a monthly Chronological Bible Read-through plan starts in the beginning with Genesis and comes with an introduction for how to stay on task and use this plan for a quick read-through and/or deep study.

February - Month 2 of our read-through plan picks up in Exodus and travels through multiple books throughout the month. After an intro to the month's reading plan, is a review of tasks and encouragement for both quick read-thru and/or deep study.

March - We will finally exit the Pentateuch (first 5 books) this month and enter into the life of David and the reign of kings. We will even get to soak up more poetry as we enjoy the inspiration of God through David in Psalms. The adventures really begin!

May - A month for Psalms as we play catch-up with some of David's many reflections. All of May will provoke thought as to how we live (Ecclesiastically) and Whom we serve. The intro will explain our catch-up mode and the whole of the month will inspire!

July - will continue our adventure of kings and prophets. The beauty of a chronological read is seeing how the decisions of the kings brought about the prophesies of both major and minor prophets... with a few time-relevant Psalms thrown in!

September - believe it or not, will be almost done with the Old Testament!!! Rounding out this section are more of the minor prophets, some post-captivity history, and even Psalms contemporary to the times of Daniel and shortly after. Plenty of variety!

November - we are nearing the finish line! This month we will wrap up the life-and-times of Jesus, jump into early church history, and explore some of Paul's letters/epistles. While ALL of Scripture teaches us God's Character and our call to follow, these New Testament times are where the rubber really hits the road!

April - This month we explore the life of David along with some of his accompanying Psalms which resulted from various experiences. Before the month ends, Solomon will step in to reign and share his God-given wisdom after his father's passing.

June - we will watch the rise and fall of kings, good and bad, and begin to see how they connect to the prophets. At times, reading of the bad kings can be exhausting, however, notice God’s character and heart through it all – eye opening!

August - will wrap up with having covered *most* of the major prophets (we will finish Daniel and Ezekiel in September). This month's intro also touches on some tips for clearing some of the fog when trying to read prophesy.

October - shifts into the final quarter of the year as we shift from Old Testament to New. This month we will begin exploring the life of Jesus through the closing of his ministry. We will also discuss the *complimentary* line-up of the gospels (not contradictory at all!)

 December - ready to claim SUCCESS in reading through the entire Bible! But first, the rest of our early church history, letters from Paul and other disciples articulating actionable lessons on the Christian's Called-to walk, and rounding out with Revelation - not just a book about prophecy, but also a shining light of HOPE, just like the Christmas season we end in.

Homeschool Life

"Memories From This Homeschool Life" is a full-page (8x10) printable version of the hard and paperback installment you can find on Amazon. Meant to act as a journal/memory keeper of your homeschooling days. Also a great companion to "Lessons in This Homeschool Life: If I Knew Then What I Know Now"

"Dear Homeschool Mom Without a Degree" is a letter excerpt from "This Homeschool Life: Faithfully and Confidently Walking Out a Call To Homeschooling", intended to encourage the weary mama who may either lack self-confidence to push ahead when she has no degree to teach, or is under pressure from those who criticize such.


5-Week Menu Worksheet comes blank and ready to fill in answers to the "What's for Breakfast?", "What's for Lunch?", "What's for Dinner?" questions repeatedly asked throughout each day of the week. Blank and flexible for use in any month, simply jot dates in an upper corner and use the daily divides of breakfast, lunch and dinner categories to plan meals. Also has added sections for tracking needed groceries and other notes.

5-Week Dinner Menu Worksheet  is a simpler menu planning page typically used for one meal a day, most often the "What''s for Dinner?" aspect of daily pondering. Blank and flexible for use in any month, simply jot dates in an upper corner and get to work planning good meals to make! Also comes with sections for jotting down needed groceries and other notes as you plan.

Grocery Shopping and Errand Day just got a bit easier with this simple guided list maker. Broken into the the typical store sections, this worksheet will save time and energy as you shop-by-section. Complete with side column for jotting additional errands and stops.

Freezer Check-list to know what you have got ready for cooking! Visit my Menu how-to article to learn more about how I put mine to use!

Grocery Bucket List can be helpful if you repeatedly experience, "I wish I had remembered to grab that" when returning from the grocery store! Use this one or create your own with inspiration. Details on how I use mine can be found in the Menu How-to article.

Weekly To-do keeping track of all the things can be overwhelming. What day to do what?? This full-page weekly plan layout helps you to see key areas to work on like Calls to make, Computer work like bill paying, Urgent items, Projects to progress on, and even a box for a weekly Scripture passage or quote to meditate on!

Daily Scheduling Worksheet is a full page version of the copy  shared in "Lessons in This Homeschool Life: If I Knew Then What I Know Now" This daily-weekly time tracker chart is helpful for any of life's scheduling!

homemaking for the Holidays

Planning on Thanksgiving... Looking for a little organization and menu planning help through the season? This set of FREE printable pages will help you plan and coral all your Thanksgiving dinner (and month-long) details with ease.

Who doesn't love a cute Recipe card? These will have you ready to record and exchange your favorite recipes this Thanksgiving. 4-per page - recommend printing on card stock.

Do you feel like you just can't keep up with all the to-dos and details of the bustling Christmas season? The Homebody's Guide to the Christmas Season can help! Packed with organizational sheets for EVERYTHING from Christmas card lists to holiday parties... from Christmas cookie trackers to the big Christmas dinner prep... even some fun Christmas count-down activities the whole family, young and old, can enjoy!

FREE and cute recipe cards for the Christmas season! Use to track your holiday favorites or fill out to give as gifts to friends and family. 4-per-page, recommend printing on card stock.

More FREE and cute recipe cards for the Christmas season! Use to track your holiday favorites or fill out to give as gifts to friends and family. 4-per-page, recommend printing on card stock.


A blog highlight book written for the 8th anniversary. It is an inspirational favorite article compilation on Faith, Home and Homeschooling!