I can't believe it is finally here! Since I was a little girl I dreamed of running my own magazine or publishing business. I pined to become a published author with books selling where others could buy. So far, my published works have been in newsletters and free e-books and my blog.... the publishing in print is coming VERY soon (stay tuned, end of August will be the BIG REVEAL of our first book!)
None-the-less, launching this business and website is step 1. And it is still so surreal.
Two years ago I graduated our youngest. For the entire time I busily raised 4 children, people would always quip, "What are you going to do with yourself when they all grow up?" and I was was right on the reply, "Oh, I've got a list!" They would laugh an uncomfortable laugh, not sure if I was serious. But I was. The entire time I chased and taught and fed and clothed kiddos, I listened to newly minted empty-nesters bemoan their void. I didn't want that heartache.
So, as my kids grew, I kept busy on the side.... taking college classes, learning how to teach Bible Study, writing, crafting.... DOing things which gave more breadth to my purpose so that, when that last one collected her diploma, I didn't have to wonder 'what next'.
But what next wasn't as expected. Over that summer we moved my mother-in-law in with us to oversee her care and health issues. Remodeling, appointments, and new adjustments kept me busier than ever before! I wasn't complaining though. I enjoy "busy" in all its forms. During that time I also felt called to lay down blogging and writing for a while. I devoted more time to reading and crafting when I had the leave to.
Then 2022 dawned. Slowly, but surely, small things were being placed back on my path. First, God called me back into teaching Bible study. And even while I was swirling through my own doctor's appointments and unexpected diagnoses, I began to hear a whisper of write again. I prayed over it, really not sure if I was Hearing correctly, and the answer surprised me.
My husband came practically dancing into the room with a smile almost as wide as his growing burly firey beard. Then he laid it out: he wanted to start a publishing company! I thought for sure he was joking. He is a tech guy, not a writer. He fixes computers, builds websites and virtual forms.... not books. The details were cloudy at first but over the coming days as we looked at his idea and business plan, I began to realize the answered prayers.
We applied for our business name and began setting up this wonderful site. We have been conducting market research and formulating outlines. My first few books are already set in motion with inspiration from my many years of blogging (did I mention I can't wait to reveal the first installment?!). Even ideas for articles on this site are pouring in faster than I can write them!
I'm so grateful God has placed this wonderful opportunity in front of us, given us the tools and drive and Inspiration. I hope you will subscribe to our social medias and newsletter and keep coming back! I'm excited to share this journey....
Until next time,
Many Blessings and Happy Reading,

I am so excited to see what God has in store for you as you set out on this new Journey.
Blessings my friends
Thank you! You are always so encouraging 🙂