Back On Track

Do you have a favorite month? It is an odd question, I know. My creative brain always likes to make connections between experiences inside of seasons and even months. I positively feel the words drift off the page when Solomon wisely states, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) His subsequent list appeases my senses of boxed-in ideas and word association.

I like new beginnings. While each hour of each day and each day of each month and each month of each year may simply be time which slips from one point to anther, to me, the chronological dividers bear a felt weight.

  • January 1st, definitely not just a new day, but a whole new year of possibility
  • Seasonal equinoxes, a combination of factual position around the sun and a renewed inspiration perspective which infects all of our senses
  • Each month contains 30 +/- days of encapsulated opportunity
  • Monday - work goes in motion (yes, even for housewives!)
  • Saturday - time to kick off the weekend!

.... and so on. Among these rhythms I have learned to love the changes and opportunities.... especially reoccurring new beginnings. I'm a professional slacker and quite adapt at messing up, I more than welcome any chance I get to try again! I also relish in the creative inspiration re-starts offer with a blank slate in each *new*. It is like a mini new year, set and waiting for what may come.

Every autumnal month vies for top of my list… the cooler weather, the colors, the smells. It is the only time I find more inspiring than a brand new year. This autumn is already almost half through. As I type, we are getting our annual "October snow", a blustery burst which will dump up to a foot of lovely white over the seasonal umbers and then melt away with little trace but withered, frost-bitten flowers and plants which had, up till this point, been relishing in their Indian summer.

Nonetheless, I'm taking this time to wipe the dust off my screen and begin the process of keyboard creation again. If you have kept up with the blog, you know it has been a hard year. Getting back on track was also delayed when my husband struggled to find a good job this summer after his previous contract ran out. We were holding out while growing concerned I may need to take some outside work (we both love my homemaker life and prefer to keep it that way). However, I am now able to report, not only is our relationship being daily and powerfully renewed, but God has also opened the door to a GREAT job for my husband (and a reasonable fit for our budget) which he finally started last week. His new job will allow me to continue serving in my home while also working on F&H Pub and not worrying about outside employment.

As I plot and plan our new schedule to include writing projects, I've also been recalling the joy of regular blogging and how it helps my writing juices flow AND offers an opportunity to praise God and share His Word. I am hopeful to begin building more content both here and in print.... and not just homeschool related! Ideas are in the works for a regular themed blogging schedule as well as books and printables for holidays, homemaking and Bible study! I have soooo much inside this crazy brain of mine knocking to come out! I hope you will join the ride as we set off on some new, and a few old, adventures together!

Whose with me?

To keep up with the (mostly) day-to-day, come follow me on Instagram (I also have Facebook but the new algorithms won't let me link the two anymore so I need to get better at directly sharing!).

Does life ever go sideways for you? Has God pulled you up and pushed you forward in areas of giftedness? I love hearing testimonies, please share any which might encourage in the comments below!

Until next time.... wishing you Autumn blessings (with or without the snow!!)

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