The clock is counting down, New Year's is almost here. Many are poising in anticipation of all this annual milestone will usher in.
New Plans
New Hopes
New Dreams
Much of the new is internal, while calendars and schedules change, we all know some intrinsic force is driving us to a form of change.
This year, perhaps, you are undertaking a Bible-read-through. Maybe it is your first time... perhaps you have unsuccessfully tried before... maybe you are devotedly restarting, again, a continuous cycle of reading through your Bible each year - my hat's off to you in any regard.
Each year I undertake this grand goal, every year I fell short - until 2023. The same plan I had tried repeatedly finally succumbed to my determination - tomorrow I will read my last few passages and then celebrate this great success! As I worked through the reading plan, however, I noticed some shortcomings:
--It claimed to be chronological, but was very obviously NOT as it skipped key connection points.
--It was missing almost 10 of the Psalms (an accidental oversight I am sure)
--Some days had sooooo many passages to read I almost couldn't get to them all and often had to spread my reading out and play catch-up
--It had no margins for catch-up
--The stopping points in reading were often disconnected and disruptive to the flow of the story.
With a mind to correct these deficiencies, I have undertaken to create a DOABLE read-through plan for myself, as well as to share with others who face this same struggle. I wanted to equip women who are serious about reading through their Bible and setting aside 10-15 minutes a day to do so, to successfully realize their goals.
My outline is drawn up for a full-year of read-through, however, I only have January's actually written out and ready to go. I didn't want to make everyone wait, especially if January 1st is your kick-off read through date!
Some Highlights about my read-through plan:
-> It is a dated, 6-day-a-week plan allowing for wiggle room if you need to catch-up or have to miss a day.
-> It requires no more than 10-12 minutes a day of reading and the intro has tips to help you make that goal
-> It is as close to chronological as I could get while maintaining chapter divides
-> Reading segments have breaks that follow the flow of each story as much as possible
-> I DO leave out genealogies and other similar lists (I explain in more detail in the intro), however, I DO keep them in a general list with reference to the timeline so you can still read them as you have extra time.
I'm calling this "Phase 1", not because it is only January, but because my hope is to develop a system which can evolve into Journaling/Studying through the Bible in a book format I hope to launch next fall! If you jump in NOW, you can say, "I remember this study when..."!
I hope you will join me in this journey. I am super excited to get started on January's passages (and finish putting together passages for the rest of the year), I hope you will be too! Follow the in-image link below or visit our resources page for your copy!
Read Through the Bible In A Year Chronologically

Happy New Year and Happy Reading!