… “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another […]and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin. ~ 1 John 1:5b-7 ~
This month we wanted to look at the theme of “love” from a different angle. Rather than romantically, as is custom… or relationally, as in how we love others like 1 Corinthians 13… we were hoping to tap into the themes of 1 John and “abiding” love.
What is “abiding love”?
Who is the focus?
Why is it so important?
I believe, as we work through this devotional on abiding love, we will gain a deeper understanding of romantic and relational love as well. But, as I mentioned, that is not our focus! As a matter of fact, right-off-the-bat, we learn WHO this love study is about.
As a matter of fact, every other version of love is rooted in if and how we love God (and the fact of how he loves us). Many people say they “know” God or “believe in” Him. Scripture sternly warns us that “even the demons believe and tremble” (James 2:19). Modern Christianity has frosted over the Truth by perpetuating the “only believe” claim, which is a half truth...
When I got married, my husband and I made a commitment to one another as each other’s only and all – till death do us part. However, that commitment is not upheld if one of us chooses to ignore the other, mistreat them, or, worse, have an affair or leave. Belief in our marriage commitment would not reflect our heart of devotion without some form of action and investment.
It is much the same with God. We can believe in Him, but are we committed to that belief? Do we choose each moment of each day to invest in that commitment – to know Him and make Him known - to act in a way which opens the door for abiding? Or do we choose to bumble about our own life, our own desires, investing in the world and self rather than in God and how He wants us to live which helps to model our commitment with Him and transform us to be more like Him.
God is light - He is pure, brilliant, TRUE. All things are seen by Him – and by Him, nothing is left unseen. He exposes, lightens, and provides a way to see. Deeds done by and in darkness, cannot live in His light. Making choices contrary to His nature will diminish how He can shine in and through us. He exposes, lightens, and provides a way to see. Deeds done by and in darkness, cannot live in His light. Making choices contrary to His nature will diminish how He can shine in and through us.
If we are to abide in God – and God in us – we must choose to walk in light. Laying off and abandoning darkness must become a desired habit until the enticement of darkness no longer draws because our commitment to our relationship with God is all we desire. The warmth of his Light is where we want to stay.
The whole of 1 John articulates this message well. Beginning his letter with the message of how God is light with no darkness at all, seems to invite us into those meadows of his bright and beautiful grace...
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. ~ 1John 1:7 ~
Abide in His light. Let Truth prevail.
For the month of February we will be studying the book of 1 John and asking, "How can we abide? How can we live a life where God abides with us?". I will be posting devotionals 2x a week, with a condensed version and graphic collaboration shared on Instagram and Facebook. Please help yourself to the FREE copy of this 20-lesson study on the resource page of our site, or by clicking below...

...and join us on socials, like, comment, share and subscribe! . A more extended FREE printable version of this study can be found on our website (link in bio). With so much ground to cover, and only 9 sessions to cover it in, we acknowledge there are many more points to be made. We pray the limited ones we share, however, will provide LIGHT into the place of abiding…
Blessings as you abide,

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