Each year I relish in the opportunity to 'count-my-blessings', so-to-speak. I have long believed the season of Thanksgiving prepares our heart for the gift of Jesus which we begin to celebrate soon after turkey and stuffing are packed away. Some years the idea of 'Gratitude' readily conjures a reel of wondrous moments from the months past... other years the act of being grateful is a feat to achieve as the months prior may be wrought with challenges and set-backs.
We live in a time right now which may appeal to one, the other, or both of these sentiments at once for most people. But gratitude isn't something the Bible commands for only good times - it is a mandate meant to be followed in ALL times.
Back in 2020 I wrote a Bible Study intended to appeal to this very idea. A step-by-step guide through the book of Philippians as a call to CHOOSE gratitude in difficult times. I want to share a portion of a blog post I issued then, hoping to muster the discouraged:
Monday, November 16, 2020
As the end of the week approached, headlines began to broadcast: THANKSGIVING IS CANCELLED, or at least that is the summed up version. Cities, and some states, country-wide are cancelling or limiting what families are "allowed" to do with the Thanksgiving holiday on fast approach. It is heartbreaking.
I don't want to get into the political debate on the issue here... I know everyone will have their own persuasion on the matter. What I will say is this: don't let mandates and orders steel your joy.
This post was written as part of a 'Menu Monday' intro with encouragement to continue ahead with Thanksgiving celebrations, perhaps just re-imagined. I share it here, now, as a way to remember: we have had some very rough times in recent years. Few people have been left un-touched by the fallout of 2020. Some are better today, in 2023, others are the same or worse - but ALL of us need to remember to CHOOSE gratitude.

For the month of November, I am kicking off a re-issue of the study I shared at that time. A link to your FREE copy can be found in the study packet images below. Here on the blog I plan to pull out some of the old blog posts in that series, revised, and issue some fresh new ones as well. On social media I hope to daily share some passages and tidbits beginning on the 1st. The study packet has instructions on how to join me!
Be sure to also check back here on the blog for other articles and tips on preparing for and getting the most out of this Thanksgiving season! I have so much to share, can't wait to get started!!
I hope to see you all in our "Choosing Gratitude" study comments... whether here on the blog or over on socials. Share pictures of your study, some of what you are learning, and passages God is revealing himself to you more in learning how to CHOOSE GRATITUDE!