Walking Weekly This Month Intro

Welcome to Walking Weekly This Month! A new series inspired by its weekly predecessor, “Walking Through the Word”. My hope is to inspire Bible reading and reflection on the truths of God, important for living our lives by. Each month may contain different themes, directives, or reflections… simply however the Lord is leading!

This month, and as I write this, we are 40 days from Easter/Resurrection Sunday. While I have been working on a very deep dive into the book of Hebrews (inspired by my verse this year from Hebrews 20:28), I kept feeling a tug to pause and soak up a recount of Jesus’ life in honor of the season. Many have been posting on social media how we should celebrate the season of Easter with the same zeal as Christmas – after all, just as significant as our Savior’s birth - where would eternity be without His life, death, and resurrection?

The Gospel of John has always been my go-to when I want to ‘walk with Jesus’ so-to-speak. The personal feel of John’s reflections usually elicits warmth and connection in a way none of the other Gospels do. Yet, as I prayed over the Call to temporarily switch gears, the more stern accounts of Matthew were what I felt I should follow. Setting my Hebrews notes aside, I pulled out a trusted commentary to explore some introductory material with. As I read and learned how Matthew (which was written to the Jews, just like Hebrews had been written to the Jews) is considered an excellent introduction to the core teachings of Christianity and how it contains OVER 60 quotes from the Old Testament, I couldn’t help but glance at my Hebrews notations and marvel at the similarities these two books had. Matthew wouldn’t be a pause in my Hebrews study, rather, it would compliment the proclamations of Jesus’ Kingship discussed at length in the Epistle I’d been pouring over.

Not only am I starting a chapter-a-day read-thru challenge of the book of Matthew, I felt inspired to whip together a study guide for anyone who wants to join me! (see below).

Why does it matter so much to revisit the cross with reverence each Easter season? Well, first of all, I would argue that we should revisit its theme daily, not annually! Yet, taking the time to walk slowly through the life and teachings of Christ, reflecting as the day of the cross draws ever closer, is akin to the ancient traditions of building pillars of rocks where profound remembrances occurred. Jews were called to “remember” with pomp and tradition because, by doing so, they kept the truths close and, hopefully, did not take them for granted.

“And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—with great and good cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things that you did not fill, and cisterns that you did not dig, and vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant—and when you eat and are full, then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. ~ Deuteronomy 6:10-12

Throughout Scripture we are called to REMEMBER. It is in shirking remembrances and focusing everywhere else that our hope slips away, our understanding is lost, and suddenly, a light breeze will blow our hollow theology over.

Daily reading the Bible and making time often to study it deeply, shores us up against false doctrines and hopeless sensations in a world gone mad at times. Annually commemorating key areas of Scripture, like the story of Christ during the Easter season, further shore us up against the wild waves of the enemy.

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. ~ Colossians 2:8 ~

If you don’t already have a Bible reading/study plan, I hope you will join me over the next 30 (+) days in reading through Matthew! I look forward to sharing all I see and learn in this journey this time next month! Click on image below or visit our “Resources” page to download your FREE copy today!


Before you leave, check this out as well....

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By the way... do you or someone you know homeschool? I have a growing book series on the topic! Click on images to learn more....

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