Generous Peace

I sat down today to write about peace and it's fleeting state in my life right now. Jesus promised peace in the midst of a chaotic world (John 16:33) - not separate from it - peace, the one straw I can't grab.

Then the word GENEROUS came up. I thought of a young mom I follow on IG. She recently returned to work, part-time, in a professional role, manages her household, prepares healthy meals, takes care of her son-hubby-AND aging grandmother while still making time to communicate with the Instagram world to share what a blessing it is to serve these people and live this role.


That is what my mind went to.

This sweet woman embodies not only a peace-filled spirit, but she does so with a generous heart. Simply inspiring. And here I sit, middle-aged, three of my four grown "kids" living at home for safety and financial sensibility, they are working hard and contributing to household and society though I do still consider them my charges as I cook the dinners and clean the house and manage the yard and run the errands and start a new business, writing books, caring for "kids"-hubby-AND aging mother-in-law.... exploding when the house turns chaos all in a snap.

Where is my peace in the midst of the chaos?

Where is my generous spirit? Giving of self, loving endlessly with grace, walking as though I really DO know Christ goes before me? HIS generosity of life and death guiding me to be generous in my own patience, love and peace?

I trust He is not finished with me yet. I believe, with all my heart, a wake-up call stands at this intersection of peace and generosity and I will not hit snooze! Eyes must be set to se Him - not the chaos, heart must be in Him - not the occasional hurt, mind must be cast to His Good Word - not my own hang-ups. Time to move.....


How about you? Are you generous with peace and grace?

This has been a 5-minute Friday installment on "generous".


8 thoughts on “Generous Peace

  1. Oh my FMF friend, May you feel His peace through this trying time. And when you do, you will not understand it, as He told us. It is there. His peace has nothing to do with our circumstances- you are loved, and He has you! #15

    1. Thank you, and so much yes! Peace is my Word this year and the picture of Jesus encouraging His followers by the fact he is not taking them out of this world that will hate them but has planned instead to give them peace in the midst of it. I need only accept and keep my eyes on Him… not the crazy things buzzing around!

  2. I really wish that I could say
    I’m generous with peace and grace,
    but the truth gets in the way
    and I find I have to face
    a me that covets where it can,
    and only grudgingly gives back;
    not at all a kindly man,
    but a man who feels the lack
    of a steady impulse for
    a needed generosity,
    looking for that golden door
    to find the better brighter me
    that’s practiced in the art of giving,
    and loving to define his living.

  3. it’s hard sometimes to feel generous with time and spirit when often it feels like it all hangs on you. I struggle with this as well. But God, I find, is excellent at reminding me it’s not all about me. FMF21

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