New Year, New Hopes

I am notorious for impromptu breaks. A long-time friend recently confided to me how my younger self's spontaneity and lack of planning was a bit much for her to keep up with back in those days... fast-forward 30 years and I am but a shadow of that young woman. Plans are the crux of my life... yet plans seldom go as, well, planned! Too many hiccups and 22 year old me rears her head and, either, keys are in ignition while my gypsy self cures an itch to roam, or, blanket is over head as my weary body soaks up some rest... thus was the way of December.

We adopted a puppy earlier in the fall as book deadlines barreled down the line. Then family care took an unexpected turn and, as everything began to swirl with tornado force around my head, I recognized a need to hit pause... to focus on home and the people within its walls... and to pray over focus and direction for the coming year.

God has called me to write Homeschool books for now... while I also feel a tug to other material as well. He has also allowed interruptions in my life which = fuzzy deadlines and a fog set over anything much beyond each next step.

On social media I did promise some announcements though, so here is what I do know:

#1 I am called to FRUIT this year (Galatians 5). I believe this call to be something which is meant to permeate every aspect of my life, including Faith & Home Publishing. With that in mind I feel it dutiful to project how it is so important to keep God, His message and whatever might help others draw close to Him, at the center of all I do here. Hopefully this will be reflected in the remaining points and as this year chugs forward....

#2 More homeschool books ARE coming out, however, our previously shared list will see some adjustments starting with {drumroll please....} the next book in our 'Homeschool Life' series: "Q&As about This Homeschool Life: Bravely Facing the Challenges to Homeschooling Choice" I am soooo excited for this installment to release and I believe it will become the next 'must have' for every homeschool parent's reading list! My designer is working on the cover and I will share more details soon, including our projected release date.

#3 Other content is in the works. First and foremost I want to acknowledge, with "Q&As" coming out it would seem I am skipping over the planned release of "Devotions"... actually, I am not. When I shared about "Devotions for This Homeschool Life: Quiet Reflections for Homeschool Moms" on my projected list a few months ago, it didn't feel right. Strange, I know. I couldn't understand how or why God wouldn't be in the middle of creating a book of Devotions. However, as I prayed over each project, He showed me how He IS driving me to provide devotional and Bible Study material... but He wanted me to cast my net wider. The fact is, I have been out of homeschooling for almost 3 years now and, even while I was educating my kids, my devotions were never homeschool-centered, they were Christ-centered. After all, He doesn't just speak to homeschooling moms... He speaks to us all. I'm still working on the details but I am planning a devotional and other Bible Study materials for any woman (homeschooling, homemaking, working outside the home and so on) to launch very soon. Keep an eye on social media and the blog for more information!

#4 My first call to ministry was to serve with a Titus 2 focus. People always say, write or teach about the things people ask you most about because those are the areas it is perceived you know the most (and apparently have valued input on!). For me it has been homeschooling, the Bible, and homemaking in general. Women are always picking my brain or asking for help on organizing, planning a day, cooking meals, and the like. I am hopeful to begin a book series on these topics later this year.

#5 In regard to all of the above, and especially #4, we are in the process of branching our business out and hoping to offer other supplies and products very soon! I know, as far as "announcements" go, that is a very vague statement, but I did want to put it on the radar.

Tying all of this together, my hope, too, is to kick back up our blog stream so new material can be regularly available to all who are searching for walking out this crazy life with a FAITHful foot forward first!

Is there anything in particular YOU are looking forward to from Faith & Home Publishing this year? Anything you would like to see us expound on which is not detailed above? Send us an email or add a comment below, we would love to hear from you!

What are your hopes for your new year?

Happy New Year! Many blessings for the months ahead...

By the way... have you seen the books out so far? Click on images to learn more....

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