
Monthly Menus: How-To Edition
Spring is in the air with the inspiration of renewal
Playing Catch-up
Everyone can relate. No one is immune to the snags
Why All That Is Christmas Matters So Much
I’m a big “WHY” person. I’ve mentioned it in other
Gratitude in ALL
I will be preparing turkey for the oven in just
Tips for a Timely Thanksgiving
Turkey time is waddling quickly toward us, two weeks away
The Other Side of Darkness
The last time I posted, I was on semi-bed-rest for
Life Lately
Spring has sprung. With it comes alternating warm sunny days
What Are You Thinking About?
I sat pouring over my journal this morning. Epiphanies to
Abiding in a Spirit of Discernment
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits
Spring’s Deception and Sprouts of Hope
As February comes to a close in south-central Montana, a
Abiding in the Practice of His Presence
Oh boy, that title may sound a bit transcendental -
Trad Wives Unite
If there is one thing which seems most constant in
Abiding in a God of Love
Whoever says he is in the light and hates his
5 Excuses to Call it Quits in Marriage: debunked
Valentine's Day is nearing, the annual celebration of love and,
Abiding in a Walk Like Jesus
My little children, I am writing these things to you
The Art of Housewifery: To-do
I've been working on a book for…. hmmmm…. 20 years
Abiding in a God of Light
… “God is light, and in him is no darkness
Planning Takes Practice
Don't we all want to find success in planning? To
Re-Launch Is In The Air
I just finished reconnecting with my books. I will admit,
New Year, new….
I'm not sure where to begin. It is a New
Resolution Read-Through
The clock is counting down, New Year's is almost here.
Ordinary Feelings and Mighty Spirit: The True Christmas Spirit
Christmas is drawing ever-closer... FIVE more days as I type
KEEPING Christmas
A week from today many homes will be abuzz with
Ordinary Circumstances and Mighty Plans
I shared a post on Instagram today, observing my morning's
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